Pat Vendal, President of Muskegon Right to Life, has discovered a way to use the time she volunteers promoting the prolife cause to financially help the prolife organizations she loves. Pat does this by participating in her employer’s volunteer incentive program and matching gift program.

As President of Muskegon Right to Life and a board member of Right to Life of Michigan, she has volunteered numerous hours doing such activities as speaking at area churches to promote the sanctity of human life, composing quarterly newsletters and maintaining Muskegon Right to Life’s web site. Using her employer’s volunteer incentive program, she’s been able to direct funds to the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund based on the number of hours she volunteers. Up to two times a year, every time she volunteers 50 hours, her employer will donate $750 to the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund. Pat uses her company’s matching gift program as a way of getting the most out of her donations to prolife organizations.

She discovered her employer’s program in 2001 when it was publicized at her work to encourage and reward employees who volunteer their time at non-profit organizations.

A number of large companies offer matching gift programs and/or volunteer incentive programs. General Mills, Gap, UPS, Wal-Mart, General Electric, AT&T, General Motors, IBM, McDonald’s and American Express are just a few large employers who offer either volunteer incentive programs and/or matching gift programs.

Volunteers are the life blood of Right to Life of Michigan and its affiliates. Without their selfless efforts, the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund campaigns to reach women in unplanned pregnancies and educate the public about life issues wouldn’t get off the ground. Affiliates who have members who volunteer considerable hours or donors who donate considerable gifts during the year should suggest their volunteers and donors check to see if their employers offer any kind of volunteer incentive program or matching gift program.

Tough economic times unfortunately make it increasingly difficult for many women who are facing unplanned pregnancies to choose life for their children. Volunteer incentive programs are great because they allow prolife volunteers to donate financially with their time and every financial donation helps to insure that women facing difficult economic circumstances know there are resources to help them choose life.

Please check with your employer about a volunteer incentive program. Donations of your time and gifts from your employer help us save babies and aid women in need of assistance.