By Anna Visser, Right to Life of Michigan Director of Communication/Education
In 2021, Michigan reported 30,074 abortions. Every year women have elective abortions, which means that the mother chooses to go to a doctor or clinic and have the baby killed. It doesn’t happen naturally, and there is no medical reason to necessitate it.
We here at Right to Life of Michigan stand resolutely against abortion.
To educate Michigan, we spend our days writing articles, creating educational materials, planning conferences and dinners where speakers discuss the prolife argument, their experiences in the movement, and how to engage with those we meet every day. We take our materials on the road, going to prolife conferences elsewhere in Michigan, to state fairs, conventions, and everywhere the prolife movement has a presence. This is the first step in creating a culture that values life, in and out of the womb, at the beginning of life, and at the very end. Once the heart of Michigan is turned toward the unborn, we will begin to see strong prolife laws enacted and the disgusting abortion industry thrown out of our beautiful state.
To help pregnant mothers considering abortion, we support more than 150 pregnancy resource centers and adoption agencies across Michigan, which receive grant money in order to help them reach their communities. Whether it be with free ultrasounds, counselling, parenting classes, diaper banks, abortion pill reversals, or simply providing mothers with information about options they didn’t know they had, these pregnancy resource centers are the backbone of the prolife movement.
We also reach out to those in need in the Hispanic community, the Chaldean community, and the Black community. Our multicultural outreach office serves many mothers who face problems we may not be equipped to help with. Bringing love, support, counselling, and options to these mothers in need, as well as translation services, the multicultural outreach office reaches every corner of Michigan’s diverse communities.
In this troubled time, as Proposal 3 looms, our legislative department seeks new and innovative ways to keep life protected by law, to promote women and children in the legislature, and to encourage the elected officials of Michigan to vote for life.
This is what Right to Life of Michigan does. We are here for the unborn. We fight hard every time, no matter the battle, no matter the odds. We are supported by people like you, who love the unborn, who hate the horrors of abortion, and who long to see a day where there is no longer a need for Right to Life of Michigan to exist.
In this season of hope and holiday joy, Right to Life of Michigan is rebuilding and renewing our strength. All donations to Right to Life of Michigan will be 100% matched. Our goal is to raise $100,000 by the end of the year, so that we can launch into 2023 fighting for life with our all. Thank you for your support. You make the prolife movement strong and enable us to do more than we have ever dreamed. Because of you, lives are saved.