The coronavirus pandemic has affected all of our lives in major ways, but unfortunately abortions are still happening in this state. Thankfully, prolife work is continuing as well! We wanted to know how prolife pregnancy centers around the state are dealing with Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s stay at home order. So, we asked them. Many replied, and we have some good news to report to you.
Out of an abundance of caution, many prolife pregnancy centers aren’t taking client visits at this time. However, many of them continue to serve clients in a variety of ways.
- One in Detroit says they are open and doing life-saving ultrasounds, wiping down all surfaces in between individual visits. Supplies are very low, but commitment remains high.
- Another center on the East side says they remain open to appointments, and have initiated a number of safety and screening protocols to ensure the health of their clients.
- A third pregnancy center says their office is closed, but they continue to provide material assistance to clients in need. Their phones have been very busy.
- A small pregnancy help organization far north in the Upper Peninsula is still available by phone, 24/7 for clients if needed.
All will continue to be dedicated to saving lives and serving clients after this pandemic is over, but rough weeks are still ahead of them.
It’s not so rough for the abortion industry. Of course, Governor Whitmer remains unmoved by pleas to close facilities wasting precious protective equipment on elective abortions.
Other states that have issued orders temporarily closing abortion facilities like other outpatient clinics are finding themselves in court. So far, at least two federal district court judges have ruled abortions must continue at any cost.
Many of us have lost the ability to practice our enumerated constitutional right of peaceful assembly. Many of us have seen Governor Whitmer come between them and their doctor to cancel or postpone their surgery. Whether you agree or not with these actions, they are being applied unfairly. For too many judges (and politicians), their ultimate loyalty is to abortion. No amount of pleading about fairness, equal protection of the law, or appealing to the value of human life will sway them in the moment.
Our prolife pregnancy centers never get a fair shake. They are often treated by some reporters and judges as the enemy, solely because they believe unborn children are also their clients. Yet, they soldier on without praise and acclaim from governors or cable news channels, willing to give until it hurts. They deserve our applause, and, if you can in the midst of this pandemic, your help.