The main argument abortion supporters have for getting rid of the Hyde Amendment and forcing the prolife half of the country to pay for abortions with their tax dollars is that it’s unfair that poor women have to pay for abortions. For a moment, let’s 
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Grand Rapids, MI — January 22, 2021 is the 48th memorial of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the U.S. Supreme Court cases which legalized abortion-on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy. Since 1973, legalized abortion has taken the lives of an estimated 60 
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In the year 1596, William Shakespeare penned one of the most well-known phrases in literature, “the truth will out.” The idea that the truth will eventually become known—no matter how desperately it is suppressed or how convincingly it is hidden—is central to the idea of 
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A characteristic of the New Testament epistles and the varied authors who wrote them is the idea of encouragement, the message of “press on” though everything around you may fall apart: “press on.” This idea of encouragement is something everyone needs in life, especially coming 
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