Right to Life of Michigan is unalterably opposed to abortion.
Abortion is any act or procedure performed with the willful intent to cause the death of an unborn child which is between fertilization and birth. Abortion is dangerous for women and children and commonly results in physical or emotional damage. This position does not oppose medical treatment to save the life of the mother. In those rare cases, when the life of the mother is judged by competent medical personnel to be in danger, a doctor can and should treat both the mother and her unborn child, striving to save the lives of both. With medical advances, it is rare that the childâs life cannot also be saved. RLM is opposed to aborting unborn human individuals conceived through acts of rape and incest. RLM abhors the violence and violation of rape and incest. Our organization encourages public and private support for the victims of sexual assault as well as prosecution of the perpetrators of the crime. No matter how a child is conceived, abortion remains an act of injustice toward that child, a human being truly present and living within the womb. The injustice done to the woman cannot be undone and is compounded by an injustice toward her child who is conceived from the assault.
Learn MoreInfanticide
Right to Life of Michigan opposes any form of infanticide.
Infanticide does take place today due to gender preference or to discriminate against âunwantedâ populations such as those with disabilities.
Learn MorePhysician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia
Right to Life of Michigan opposes all attempts to legalize or condone euthanasia.
Euthanasia involves taking the life of a person suffering from a psychological or physiological condition. Euthanasia can be done involuntarily, or voluntarily through assisted suicide. Euthanasia is done using multiple methods, including lethal injections, doctors assisting suicides through prescribing legal doses of drugs, or withholding basic care from patients. RLM supports the tradition which allows persons suffering from a terminal illness to die naturally. When a person has clearly reached their âlast days,â the focus of medical treatment may be switched from curing to caring, but never to killing. Ordinary care and treatment should be provided to all person(s) to sustain their daily needs and comfort. A personâs death should result from the normal course of a disease or injury and not from the withholding of fluid and nutrition.
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