Right to Life of Michigan is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian, nonprofit organization of diverse and caring people united to protect the precious gift of human life at all stages, from fertilization to natural death.

We strive to achieve the passage and ratification of a Human Life Amendment, to educate people on identified Right to Life issues, to motivate them to action, to encourage community support and the participation in programs and legislation that foster respect and protection for human life and to promote and support prolife candidates.

We work on the behalf of defenseless or vulnerable human beings, born and unborn, within our identified life issues of abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Who We Are

Right to Life of Michigan (RLM), our 80+ affiliates, and thousands of volunteers from all walks of life seek to build a society that welcomes and supports life at all stages.

With life advocates and volunteers in every community, extensive educational resources, and long-standing partnerships with many of the state’s approximately 100 Pregnancy Help Centers, we aim to be a lifeline to you and your community. RLM offers resources, staff experts, and volunteers committed to helping you build a practical path forward, bringing hope and happiness in making a choice for life.

At Right to Life of Michigan, we are committed to affirming the best of our movement’s traditions, from peacefully advocating for the right to life of all in our human family to closing gaps that may exist between principles and practices while facing, with vision and determination, the challenges presented to women today. We do this through education and training sessions, community events, legislation, and political activism.

We are here to stand with you. No one in Michigan should feel they are alone when faced with a decision for life: a personal decision, a consideration to help a friend, a hope to educate your school or community or just a question to learn more. We aim to walk alongside you.

Your humanity and the humanity of the frightened woman or girl and her growing unborn child, or YOUR disabled neighbor or family friend, or the frail grandmother or terminally ill husband is not in question. May we achieve a society where our choices reflect this beautiful reality.

Meet Our Team

Our team is a collection of diverse and caring people united to protect the precious gift of human life. We strive to provide expertise on prolife issues while operating as a full-functioning organization designed to serve the communities of Michigan.

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