Right to Life of Michigan and the Right to Life of Michigan Educational Fund strive to accommodate all communities with an interest in learning how to empower women and girls to make informed decisions. We have a wide variety of educational resources available including one-page factsheets, in-depth handouts, resources for people of faith, and our resource centers across Michigan.

Abortion Death Comparison

Compares the number of abortions in Michigan to other common causes of death.

Abortion Methods and Health Effects

There are many different abortion methods used at various stages of pregnancy. This LifeNotes provides details of those methods, as well as their potential complications or long-term health effects.


Every day, children are adopted by caring families into loving homes. Adoption can sometimes be the best solution to an unplanned pregnancy, but often it is not even considered.

Being Prolife: How the Church Can Help

A general bulletin insert that provides a basic overview of the prolife movement and key issues.

Birth Control & Abortion

Can some forms of birth control cause abortions—do they have an abortifacient effect? Birth control and it’s relation to abortion is a complicated topic involving strong feelings. It’s important that any discussions about this topic should be based on accurate understandings of biology and reality.

Dangers of Mail-Order Abortions

Describes the dangers of at-home abortions via abortion pills through the mail.

Destroying Our Future

Examines the economic impact of abortion.

Doctor-Prescribed Suicide

Examines laws and proposed laws that allow others to assist people in committing suicide.

Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care Booklet

Provides information and a power of attorney form to help ensure your rights and wishes are respected.

End of Life Care: Advanced Directives

Details various advanced directives and which provide patients the most protection.

End of Life Care: Positive Care or Euthanasia Pitfall?

Discusses hospice, pain management, and medically-assisted feeding of food and water.

Fast Facts

List of basic facts and statistics about abortion.

Hispanic Abortions

Bilingual factsheet that provides statistics for Hispanic abortions in the United States.

Is Abortion Painful for the Baby?

Discusses the topic of fetal pain and provides facts and references.

It’s Easy to Be Prolife

Looks at some common arguments in favor of abortion and prolife responses to them.

Life is Precious in Every Circumstance

This LifeNotes discusses abortion in the cases of rape or incest. It contains statistics on abortions in cases of rape or incest, information about the effects of abortion, and how an unborn child is valuable regardless of the way in which he or she was conceived.

Life Lessons

Right to Life of Michigan wants to help educators provide their students with a genuine appreciation for the gift of life. To do so, we have compiled 13 lessons plans for students from kindergarten to high school.

Life. The Other Choice.

Explains the dangers that women face today when getting an abortion and provides options for those making a choice for life.

Margaret Sanger & Planned Parenthood’s Eugenic Worldview

Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood, which is today the largest provider and promoter of abortion in America. Far from being an obscure historical figure, Margaret Sanger’s ideas continue to influence her organization today.

Michigan Abortion Statistics

Provides an overview of the most recent annual abortion statistics in Michigan.

Post-Abortion Syndrome

Provides research and resources for the mental and emotional health effects of abortion.

Preaching the Prolife Message

Explains why it is important to discuss life issues in faith settings, and gives some tips on preparing prolife sermons.

Prolife Picketing

Provides information and guidelines for holding peaceful and legal prolife picketing events.

Providing and Promoting Abortion

An overview of Planned Parenthood and their commitment to abortion.

Targeted Abortions

Highlights instances where abortion is used as a tool of sex or disability discrimination.

The Great Stem Cell Debate

Provides basic information about the issue of stem cell research.

The History of You

Features basic facts about fetal development through the nine months of pregnancy.

Vaccines, Abortion, & Fetal Tissue

The connection between abortions and vaccines raises some complicated issues. In sorting through those issues, this LifeNotes addresses the basic science involved, the documentation of the abortion-vaccine connection, moral and ethical questions, and available alternatives.

War Casualties

Visually compares lives lost in combat to the number of lives lost to abortion.

What Churches Can Do

Provides suggestions for churches to become more involved in the prolife movement.