Right to Life of Michigan joins with supporters across our state in celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month! This celebration, which extends from September 15 to October 15, honors the extraordinary contributions of the Hispanic community and its beautiful heritage and traditions. At RLM, we are particularly thankful for the Hispanic community’s leadership on life issues and shoulder-to-shoulder partnership in advocating the cause for life.
During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we took the opportunity to highlight some amazing people who have contributed to Right to Life of Michigan’s work within the Hispanic community. Tune in to our LifeBeat podcast where we interviewed Doris Perez, a member of our Hispanic Outreach Committee and singer/songwriter. We also interviewed Ricardo Hernandez, a youth and young adult leader in churches in the Detroit area. Ricardo’s interview will be airing on October 4, so don’t miss it!
We also have our annual Vida Preciosa Benefit Dinner on November 8. We are excited to welcome Nicole LeBlanc as our keynote speaker. The event will be held at the Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit and is sure to be a great celebration of Hispanic life. Click here to register.
Finally, our new website refresh includes a Spanish language option. Please check it out here.