Grand Rapids, MI — January 22, 2022, is the 49th memorial of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the U.S. Supreme Court cases which legalized abortion-on-demand and forced our country into a culture of death.
The following statement is attributed to Right to Life of Michigan President Barbara Listing:
Every year, on January 22, we are reminded of our dark history that plagues every aspect of society today. We remember the millions of children who were and are horrendously aborted in the name of convenience, uncertainty, fear, and selfishness.
Prolife events are taking place this weekend all across the state. Right to Life of Michigan local affiliates are hosting memorials, marches, and more to remember the 63 million children whose lives were violently taken through abortion. This Sunday, January 23, we celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, first recognized by President Ronald Reagan in 1984.
Listing also stated:
We have hope and faith in our U.S. Supreme Court justices that they will get it right this year and uphold the value of the unborn, in turn, enabling our society to turn from a culture of death to a life-affirming nation. We have worked hard each and every year for this to become reality and January 22 is a reminder of why we have sacrificed our time and resources.
This year is monumental as Roe v. Wade is being considered in the U.S. Supreme Court and could be overturned by June. We have marched for the past 49 years in hopes that the Supreme Court will hear our heartbreak at being forced to legalize abortion throughout the U.S. This year is a breakthrough in the prolife movement and for the innocent, unborn children who have been silenced, tortured, and discarded for far too long.
For more information: Right to Life of Michigan Director of Communications/Education Anna Visser, (616) 717-0526 , [email protected].
Background information:
RLM affiliate events
U.S. abortion stats