Every year, Right to Life of Michigan awards grants to pregnancy centers in Metro Detroit. These centers provide essential care and resources to women right in the epicenter of Michiganā€™s Abortion Industry; they are where the rubber hits the road in the prolife movementā€”and as all Michiganders are well-aware, the road is never smooth.

Since 2017, Right to Life of Michigan has awarded $41,295 to these centers. This has only been possible because of the generous donations and hard work of prolife individuals around the state. If pregnancy centers are where the rubber meets the road, then volunteers and donors are the engine that will drive Michigan to the end of abortion.

Totaling $12,350, this yearā€™s grants will be used for construction needs, office supplies, advertising, ultrasound services, and vehicle maintenance by 10 different pregnancy help organizations scattered throughout Detroit:

  • Care Net Pregnancy Center located on Grand River Avenue was awarded funds for a new entrance sign and Google advertising.
  • Detroit Pregnancy Test & Help Center in Highland Park is located directly across a side street from an abortion facility and was awarded a grant to help them get a website up and running.
  • Guadalupe Workers in southwest Detroit received funds to help insulate their building and build a storage shed to house item donations.
  • Image of God Crisis Pregnancy Center SE on Seminole Street was given funds to purchase office equipment.
  • Image of God Crisis Pregnancy Center SW off Junction was granted resources to complete some building updates.
  • ICU Birth Choice Services operates a mobile ultrasound unit that visits several abortion facilities every day. Their grant will literally keep them mobile by paying for fuel costs and oil changes.
  • Madison Family Planning in Madison Heights received resources for phone services, advertising, and an ultrasound technician.
  • Mother and Unborn Baby Care in Southfield has been granted funds for infant car seats and social media advertising.
  • Pregnancy Aid is in the process of moving to a new building that stands between two abortion facilities and has been given resources to remodel and prepare the building for opening.
  • Across the street and also between the two abortion facilities, Stanton Health Clinic Detroit is preparing their new building for use. They have a unique idea to help serve people in the community. Two abortion facilities on either side of the street? Fine, let’s have two prolife help centers there to provide real help, one for each of them!

Stanton Health Clinic Detroit

Pregnancy Aid

Mother and Unborn Baby Care

Madison Family Planning

Detroit Pregnancy Test & Help Center

ICU Birth Choice Services

Care Net Pregnancy Center